Once subscribed, you will be able to add your company details and choose your categories


We believed that there shouldn't be a barrier between you and new business opportunities, so we set out to find a way of promoting all businesses.

To do this, we needed to define those barriers.

  • Nothing to Pay
  • No Subscription
  • No Contract
  • Unlimited Categories
  • Free Support

1. What you know, not who you know
Customers tend to return to the same supplier every time because it saves time or there is a mutually beneficial reason to stay in business together, means new or smaller companies get less opportunity to showcase what they can do or break into the industry.

QB says: We allow customers to reach hundreds of suppliers with one form, which means you get the chance to convert the lead into business by showing them what you have to offer. We don’t want to stop good business relationships, but we do want to encourage people to continue making new ones!

Appearing on page 4 of a directory because you haven't paid to appear at the top means missed opportunities.
And when you pay extra you can’t be guaranteed better exposure, especially if everyone else is paying too!

QB says: We bring every request to you for free and allow you to add further categories should you want to consider expanding your offering. No favourites.

Brand and Website
You know your business but poor branding and web design can lead to a potential customer turning away from you at the front door.

QB says: We do not list you or advertise you on our site at all so you don’t need to worry about how you appear, but why? Because we want every supplier to have equal opportunity to receive new business and quote for it, without the need to spend extra time and money on advertising.

So you appear in local online searches, great! But wouldn't it be better if you could choose to supply nationwide depending on the job?

QB says: We are nationwide and will soon be global but no matter where you are, you can choose which quotes to respond to. If you are based in London but receive a request from Coventry you can choose to go for it!

Elevate your business: Join Quote Boomerang today



We will connect you with suppliers nationwide and aim to bring every quote request to you


We want your business to grow.
Know which products and services are being requested and in demand


No adverts.
No promotions or favourites.
What you know, not who you know